Griffin MAME Cabinet Project!
Cabinet | Control Panel | The Man Cave


I will be updating this website as my project rolls along...
I tried to build my MAME cabinet as cheaply as possible. I have been watching some eBay auctions as of late and am amazed at how much the cabinets are selling for!
I also scoured other "home built MAME projects" on the web and was equally amazed at how much was spent on the cabinets.

I thought long and hard about where to begin. I don't play Street Fighter type games, so I knew I didn't need a massive control panel. I went to a local amusement company and walked around their warehouse. They had cabs everywhere! Most, he said were not for sale, but I found the one I wanted.


What's New?

09/03/2002 - With the cab in its permanent home, I have found new inspiration to finish it. I have 1 joystick, player 1 button and player 1 start wired up. I lost my ESC and 5 keys in my hack somehow and have decided to order an I-PAC.
08/28/2002 - is my painting advice. Paint the cabinet where it will eventually end up. It seems that when you use a roller at night, under a florescent light, in the think you have a perfect coat. When you look at it the next day in the daylight, you see all kinds of imperfections. I had a buddy help me carry it upstairs to its home. I am going to "finish" the cabinet there.
(Not to mention that is has been in the high 90's in Arkansas where I am)
08/20/2002 - Have 3 coats of black paint on the cabinet. Purchased the official MAME "Black Marble" contact paper for the control panel.

get this gear!

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